April is Alcohol Awareness Month, an important time of year for everyone who has been affected in one way or another by the overuse and misuse of alcohol. Whether directly or indirectly impacted by it, we can all benefit from taking a moment to remind ourselves about the dangers that accompany alcoholism. April is a month dedicated to education and support for those in active recovery.
Statistics About Alcoholism in America
Alcoholism remains a major issue in America:
- An estimated 16 million adults suffer from alcohol addiction, according to the 2018 National Survey on Drug Use and Health.
- Those aged 18-25 had the highest rate of heavy drinking in the past month at 21.3%, followed by those aged 26 or older at 7.6%.
- Alcohol-related emergency room visits are on the rise.
- About 5% of all deaths are attributed to alcohol consumption.
What You Can Do This Alcohol Awareness Month
Limit Alcohol Consumption
One of the healthiest things you can do for your body is to limit alcohol consumption. Take this month to actively limit your alcohol consumption, or try being sober for the rest of the month!
Alcohol Education
With many recreational and social events involving alcohol, it is important to stay educated on the topic. Researching topics such as proper drinking limits, nutrition-related effects, and signs of irresponsible drinking can arm someone with the knowledge they need to maintain responsible behavior if alcohol is being consumed in any context.
Speak with Your Kids
With teens thinking they are invincible, it can be challenging to talk to them about the dangers of alcohol. However, it is important for parents to educate their children about the risks associated with alcohol consumption and why it is important for them to remain alcohol-free, at least until they are of legal age. Teaching your kids about the dangers of alcohol not only shows that you care but could be life-saving knowledge for them.
North Georgia Recovery Center Is Here For You
Deciding to enter treatment for unhealthy alcohol use is an important step in the right direction. If you have decided it’s time to get professional help, call us at (678) 940-7873. Let us walk alongside you for every step of your recovery journey.